Aleksander Vorontsov


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Fragments by one edit (1998)

xerox copy, dimensions variable


Fragments of One Article consists of three pieces of paper (copy) featuring one image of 19young boy and three passages to ken from a magazine. They were scanned into a computer, reconfigured (the image was just enlarged), redawn, and finally copied by Xerox. The resulting instalation suggested the ambiguous border between the documentary and the artistic. The young boy - Alexander Vorontsov - was killed by the Chechens during the Chechnya war of independence. He was the same name and surname as the author of the work. So viewers could be mystified; many of them get an idea that Alexander Vorontsov is still a live.


The passages

Among killed and wounded soldiers there were 10 Vorontsovs, but Alexander wasn`t there.

After 8 mounth the Vorontsov got ashes of their son.

P.S. The Military`s Commissariat announced that Alexander Vorontsov, Russian solder, age-19, was decorated with the order "Courage". Posthumous.




Aleksander Vorontsov

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